Tuesday, January 31, 2012

25 Ways to tie a scarf

I love this amazing video! So helpful. I have a scarf fetish and am always looking for new fun ways to 
use them to add some spark to my wardrobe. Check it out! Even if you don't care about scarves I promise you'll love the video :) 


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Decoupage fun!

     Anyone who knows me knows I love doing crazy fun home decorating projects with paper.     It's usually just things you have laying around you can use, like your daily newspaper. Or go to a vintage shop and 
snag an awesome deal on old magazines from thirty+ years ago! 
    Recently I  did decoupage paper onto some shelves at a local store and it turned out lovely. 
    I found these great example online and wanted to share them with you. 
Maybe it will get you started with some ideas of what you can do in your home.


Note: All you need is the paper and glue: Mod Podge is my favorite and can be found in any craft store. 

Be creative with what you choose to use, 
I love using anything from music 
to old book pages

Want to spice up a wall? Add paper! 
and I'm not talking about normal

It's not just what you can 
do with paper two dimensionally! 
This wreath is made by simply
cutting out a "donut" shape
from cardboard. Curl the 
papers into a cone and glue!

 I love this idea!
Spice up a thrift store
find by fist painting it
then adding some decoupage
on top

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Organize Your Crazy Make Up Drawer!

I seriously stalk the fabulous Fashion blog: cupcakesandcashmere.com
She has the greatest ideas. I've been doing my Spring cleaning early and have been annoyed with the
insanity of my toiletries drawer. Check out this great idea that is cheap and adorable!

Cosmetic Clutter

Given my love of cosmetics, you’d think that I’d have a bathroom drawer that rivaled Sephora in both its scope and organization. Definitely not the case. I even questioned whether or not to include my “before” picture, simply because it was so mortifying (confession: I even removed a few items before snapping the shot).
The other day it took me five minutes to locate a lip gloss, at which point I realized I had to clean things up. I owned doubles and triples of the same item; some of which had been dried up for years. There were eye shadows from college, pieces of trash and used Q-tips; in short, it was disgusting. I decided to create divided sections for eyes, lips, bronzers, cheeks and foundation/powders and only kept the items that I love and actually use.
{old dividers that I spray painted a glossy gold}
{Dividers for: powders, bronzers and eye make-up}
{Dividers for: lips, cheeks and skin; as well as a few other necessities}
{Vintage saucers now hold bobby pins and rubber bands}

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Amazing Stairs

     I am always looking for innovative, creative and beautiful interior design solutions. Each time I think I've seen it all I come across something brilliant and have to sit in awe of the amazing designers and their ability to think so uniquely about their spaces. Design for me has been a passion for years. I am completely bored with the norm. If it's beautiful and unique while staying in the realm of great design and not just being unique to be "weird" I love it. There is no style that I love more than another. Each one holds some joy for me, whether it is contemporary, traditional or whatever. But one passion holds strong. I love eclectic. It's the combination of two or more styles and if done right can blow your mind.
    My focus today is on a simple part of the home. The stairs! Check out these amazing examples of ways to address one of the most functional areas of a house: